Welcome to our Podcast

About Us

Hey there, fellow wanderers of the digital realm! You've stumbled upon the coolest spot in this virtual galaxy – our Website! We're the voices behind your soon-to-be favorite podcast, where we dive deep into the mesmerizing worlds of top-tier fantasy and sci-fi TV shows. Think of us as your quirky guides through the wormholes of television's finest universes.

Now, we're not claiming to be the Gandalfs of this journey, but we've definitely got enough enthusiasm and nerd cred to give him a run for his money. Each episode, we'll unpack the mysteries of Westeros, navigate post apolacyptic dystopias, and maybe, just maybe, take a detour through Middle Earth . And trust us, we're all about those fan theories and heated debates. Did the writers get it right? Are we still mad about that one season finale? (You know the one.) We're here to talk it all out – and we invite you to join the conversation.

So, hit that follow button, tune in, and let's embark on this epic quest together. Bring your popcorn, your passion, and your pets (because why not?) – it's going to be a wild ride. And remember, in the vast multiverse of podcasts, you've aligned with the stars here. Welcome to the fam! 

Who We Are

Just a couple of Fantasy and Sci-fi nerds with some Production Skills.



When Fiona waved goodbye to her university days, she didn't just leave with a degree in music and a mountain of student debt. Oh no. She also walked out with a backpack full of production skills that were itching for a place to call home. Now, combine that with her undying love for anything that falls within the realms of sci-fi and fantasy—seriously, if it's got dragons or spaceships, she's all over it—and you've got a recipe for something spectacular. Enter podcasting, stage left, with a dramatic flourish and a spotlight.

You see, Fiona figured, why not marry her two passions? Music production skills on one hand, and on the other, a vivid imagination that could out-fantasy Tolkien on a good day. Podcasting seemed like the perfect match. It was like peanut butter meeting jelly, or, in Fiona's world, like a Jedi teaming up with a Hobbit—unconventional, yet destined for greatness. 

Enter Emma, the unparalleled Lord of the Rings mega-fan with a passion for Middle-earth that rivals Gandalf's wisdom, and The Unreal Hour was born.

The result? A podcast that's a little like stepping into a spaceship designed by elves—utterly unique and endlessly entertaining. Fiona's knack for storytelling, combined with her production prowess, makes for an experience that's not just heard but felt. It's like being teleported to other galaxies or ancient realms with every episode. And let's be honest, in a world where the daily commute can often feel like a trek through Mordor, Fiona's and Emma's podcast is the escapade we all didn't know we needed. 



Meet Emma, the ultimate aficionado of all things Middle Earth, a realm where her heart beats in sync with the footsteps of hobbits on their way to Mordor. Now, Emma's love for fantasy and sci-fi isn't confined to just the rolling landscapes of Tolkien's masterpiece. Oh no, she's an all-you-can-eat buffet of fantastical realms and star-studded galaxies far, far away. But what truly makes her stand out in the cosmic dance of fandoms? Her uncanny ability to reel in her dear friend Fiona from the event horizon of nerdiness.

Emma and Fiona, a duo that could give Frodo and Sam a run for their money, first crossed paths in the hallowed halls of music college. Yet, it wasn't just the music that orchestrated their friendship; it was their shared love for the fantastical and the otherworldly. The spaces between melodies were often filled with passionate debates about the latest "Game of Thrones" plot twist or which Buffy baddie was the most badass (it's always a heated debate).

But here's the kicker: Emma, in her confident, casual, and endlessly amusing manner, has the unique talent of keeping Fiona's nerdom in check. Imagine Fiona, ready to dive deep into the why's and how's of a Westerosi trial of the seven, and there's Emma, with a twinkle in her eye, gently nudging her back to Middle Earth with a quip about Legolas's hair care routine. It's this balance, this perfect symphony of geekiness and groundedness, that makes their friendship not just special, but legendary. Emma, the fun and dedicated host of their many viewing parties, ensures that while they may voyage to galaxies far, far away, Fiona will always have a lighthearted guide to bring her back home to Earth, or at least to The Shire.

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